∞ FORETHER is always gaining intrinsic value by design. 100% blockchain based, no single point of failure.
Not just another coin
∞ FORETHER offers a revolutionary concept to always gain value on your Ether or other CryptoCurrencies.
More value by design!
∞ FORETHER will always gain more value than Ether. You can even enhance your growth rate by being an early adopter.
Easy saving and trading
With these super tokens and any state-of-the-art browser you can invest, save, trade and pay easily in any major crypto or fiat currency.
5 tokens plus 1
5 tokens represent the major crypto and fiat currencies: Ambrosia AMB - ETH. Amrita AMR - LTC. Manna MNA - EUR. Nectar NCT - BTC. Soma SMA - USD. The Pantao PNT token combines all 5.
hidden champions
These super tokens don't need noisy advertising. No other coin has more market capitalization! These super tokens represent the entire wealth and money of the whole world.
peer to peer only
We don't need 3rd party gatekeepers and ducat cutters. Trade coins, fiat and tokens online peer-to-peer or offline face-to-face.
We'd like to tell you more
But it is as simple as that. Just get your tokens from your peer-2-peer fellow and watch your wallet grow.
White Paper MD5 hash: a95b17bafbc653ec472878b95f987712
DON'T FALL UPON COPYCATS! Only buy peer-to-peer. Some tokens are named alike the original ones. For obvious reasons the identifiers of these ORIGINAL tokens are differently coded than the ones of the SUPER tokens (see below).
Please always make sure that you trade the genuine token. These are the correct ethereum ORIGINAL token addresses:
AMB, 6 decimals
Ambrosia forether.net cETH base
AMR, 6 decimals
Amrita forether.net dLTC based
MNA, 6 decimals
Manna forether.net EUR based
NCT, 6 decimals
Nectar forether.net mBTC based
SMA, 6 decimals
Soma forether.net USD based
It is advised not to keep the above tokens—in particular large amounts—in mobile phone wallets. Most experienced users try to use chain breaking techniques like paper wallets or real world peer-to-peer transactions as well as side chain and testnet technologies as often as possible.
These SUPER TOKENS listed below are neither discounted nor deflationary! You might need them to meet the upcoming challenges of the cryptocoin and cryptotoken economy. They can help you to cash out even large amounts of bitcoins or litecoins, that are possibly blocked by exchanges or banks.
Accept real world payments and conduct online side chain business. These tokens are well suited to create speculative contracts as well as risk free fiat currency manipulations. We are confident that you will know how to use them best without any further explanation.
You can exchange them peer-to-peer at any time (latest at TBV outrun) for cash (US dollar or Euro), bitcoin, litecoin or the respective forether.net token!